Mindelo-Cape Verde, 10th May 2013
From 3rd to 10th May 2013 youth leaders from Africa and Europe met in the Cape Verdean city of Mindelo on Sao Vicente Island for the 9th Africa-Europe Training Course for Youth Organizations. Held under the Joint Management Agreement between EuropeAid and the North-South Centre of the Council of Europe, the course took place in the framework of the 5th African University on Youth and Development. The training is held in partnership with Cape Verdean Youth Federation, the Pan-African Youth Union and the Network of International Youth Organizations in Africa. WOSM Africa is part of this initiative and was represented by Nelson Ochieng Opany from Kenya Scouts Association. There were also other Scouts in attendance from Cape Verde, Portugal, Angola and Guinea Bissau.
The course was aimed at promoting personal development through training as well as capacity building and coordination of youth organizations in global youth work; thus enhancing visibility and sustainability of partnerships between African and European youth. It also created a space to exchange competences and good practices in youth work as well as providing an opportunity for the participants to contribute to the advocacy processes to meet the thematic priorities of the Africa-Europe Youth Platform of MDGs and Post 2015 Development Agenda and Youth Unemployment. The joint theme for the university was “Democratic Citizenship”.
Among the dignitaries who graced the training were the President of Cape Verde, His Excellency Jorge Carlos Fonseca, the Prime Minister, Hon. Jose Maria Neves and the Mayor of Sao Vicente, Hon. Agusto Neves among others. They challenged participants to translate the lessons into actions that can influence policies and support advocacy for the improvement of youth work. They called for a transfer of knowledge and competencies amongst a wider audience of young people to build capacities for further engagements towards a more democratic world.
The Africa-Europe Youth Cooperation provides an important platform for global and intercultural dialogue for the promotion of a stronger global youth partnership for development. Supported by the Africa-Europe Youth Cooperation online resource centre (www.aeyco.com), the cooperation presents immense opportunity not only for Africa and Europe but also for the entire world.