Interview: The Comms Spotlight on Nelson Opany
From humble beginnings in poetry recitation to managing Communications for a global youth movement, Nelson has come a long way. In this interview, he shares insights from his remarkable career journey, highlighting his role in amplifying the voices of young people through advocacy and strategic partnerships.
Career Story: Life is Made up of Many Little Moments
Life, just like success, is made up of many little moments that when put together contribute to building the person we become.
Morgan Ochieng: PR has Helped me Connect and Build Relationships
As part of the 50th Anniversary celebrations of the Public Relations Society of Kenya, Nelson Opany features career stories of three young public relations and communications management professionals, focusing on how they started (then) and how they’re fairing (now). Morgan Ochieng wraps up this three-part interview series dubbed “The Communicator”. Tell me a bit about […]
Janet Kiriswo: We Play Key Roles in Linking Organizations and their Clients
As part of the 50th Anniversary celebrations of the Public Relations Society of Kenya, Nelson Opany features career stories of three young public relations and communications management professionals, focusing on how they started (then) and how they’re fairing (now). Janet Kiriswo’s interview is the second in this three-part series dubbed “The Communicator”. Tell me a […]
Managing Communications in Times of Crisis
Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, on 14 July 2020, I had a virtual conversation with my friend and former classmate Morgan Ochieng. We talked about crisis communications, our role as communicators in such times and how organizations need to be better prepared to thrive amidst challenging times like what we were experiencing with the COVID-19 pandemic.