End of Mandate: Four Years of Service to Kanisa SACCO
After 4 years of service and due to changes in personal circumstances and priorities, I decided not to offer myself for re-election at the 41st Annual General Meeting on 11 March 2023 of Kanisa SACCO. It has been a challenging yet fulfilling experience with many lessons that I carry with me onto my next adventures wherever they may lead me.
Reflections from Mindelo: The State of the Africa-Europe Youth Cooperation
The Africa-Europe Youth Cooperation Programme is an initiative of the African Union and the European Union that enables exchanges between and the capacity-building of youth organisations, creating the framework and conditions for their active participation in the development of their societies, in decision/policymaking and in the implementation of the EU-Africa Strategic partnership.
Celebrating our Journey, Building our Future
Speech by Nelson Opany, Vice Chairperson of Kanisa SACCO at the
40th Anniversary Celebrations on 4th December 2021 at Desmond Tutu Conference Centre
On Behalf of Africa
A Speech written and read by Nelson Ochieng Opany at the official Closing Ceremony of the 14th International Youth Gathering for Cultural Exchange on Monday, July 18, 2011 at the Cairo International Scout Centre in the Arab Republic of Egypt, on behalf of the Africa Scout Region. My dear brothers and sisters in Scouting, It […]
A New Dawn for Youth Leadership: Together we Shall Make it Happen
Dear Fellow Scouts, I hope that this boosts your optimism for the leadership of the National Scouts Youth Forum knowing my long time aspiration is to serve the young people of this association and beyond through passion and commitment towards better scouting. The Scouting Situation in Kenya I believe that the National Scouts Youth Forum […]
The Future of Scouting is in Our Hands
Motivation Text by Nelson Ochieng Opany, Candidate for National Scout Youth Chairperson, The Kenya Scouts Association 2012 I present myself to you all to consider electing me to become the 3rd National Scouts Youth Chairperson. We all make choices for a reason. It’s humbling, but in my heart I know it’s not just about me, […]
An Empowered Youth and Agent of Change
The Chairmanship Announcement Speech for Nelson Ochieng Opany delivered on Friday, 18th February 2011 during the Founderee Camp at Kimathi University College Grounds in Nyeri. Dear Brother and Sister Scouts, I salute you all in the name of our founder; Lord Robert Baden Powell. It is with great humility that I present myself to you […]
Statement at the Closing Session of the 1st World Scout Education Congress 2013
Dear Friends Allow me to share with you briefly some of the key outcomes in relation to one of the key themes of the congress-Our society! So, what the kind of society do we want to prepare our members for? During the three days we discussed what are the societal trends that Scouting should respond […]
Rovering as Intended Book Launch Speech
A SPEECH BY THE NATIONAL YOUTH REPRESENTATIVE OF THE KENYA SCOUTS ASSOCIATION AT THE “ROVERING AS INTENDED” BOOK LAUNCH DURING THE FOUNDER’S DAY CELEBRATION AT KABIRUINI SHOWGROUND IN NYERI ON 22ND FEBRUARY 2014 Salutations • The Chief Guest; Cabinet Secretaries, Governors and Senators, Other National and County Government Officials present; • The representative of the […]
Speech at Kenya National Scout Youth Forum 2014
Dear Friends and Fellow Scouts; I greet you in the name of Scouting hoping that you are all keeping well. As you gather for this year’s Regional Scout Youth Forum I wish to share with you a few thoughts for your consideration. First: I regret that I am not able to be with you at […]
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